Important Dates

Important Dates Year 7 2025

Wednesday 9th October 6 pm

Year 7 2024 Information Night
Wednesday 9th October 6 pm

Friday 25th October

Enrichment Program Applications close
Friday 25th October

Monday 28th October

Campion Booklists go LIVE
Monday 28th October

Tuesday 12th November

Year 7 Day 1 Pre-Orientation Day
Tuesday 12th November

Tuesday 19th November

New Connections
Tuesday 19th November

Friday 29th November

Year 7 Enrolment to be completed and returned
Friday 29th November

Wednesday 11th December

Campion Booklist due for FREE Home delivery
Wednesday 11th December

Wednesday 29th January 2025

First Day of Year 7 8.30AM – 2.45PM
Wednesday 29th January 2025

Thursday 27th February 2025

School Photo Day
Thursday 27th February 2025

Documents / Downloads


Campion is our selected resource provider in 2025.

How to Order Booklist Flyer – Mount Erin College


CSEF – 2025

If you have a current Health Care Card or Pension Card, you may be eligible for the Camps/Sport/Excursions Fund (CSEF) payment. This funding will be used towards excursions, camps and sporting activities run through the College.

If you applied for the CSEF at your child’s school in 2025, you do not need to complete an application form in 2026 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances. Your child’s school will apply for the CSEF on your behalf.

You will only need to submit an application form in 2026 if any of the following changes have occurred:

  • new student enrolments (all year 7 students): your child has started or changed schools in 2026;  or you did not apply at the same school in 2025;   or
  • changed family circumstances such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing at the school in 2026.

Schools are able to accept and process applications up until the end of term two each year. CSEF payments are made to schools from March onwards each year. Application forms are available, click on tab to access.  Please complete and return this form to us along with a copy of your concession card. Payment is $250 per student for all students in all year levels.

Applications for 2025 close in June


Who is SSR?

State Schools’ Relief is a not-for-profit organisation that works closely with all government schools across Victoria. Each year State Schools’ Relief provides assistance to families experiencing financial disadvantage with school uniforms and footwear.  When paying your College fees, there is provision on the ‘Payment Sheet’ for families to donate money to this organisation, if they are able.

Year 7/2025 Uniform Package for CSEF recipients

Year 7 students for 2025 that are recipients of the Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) automatically qualify for the uniform package and/or vouchers.

What’s in the package?  The 2025 package contains the following items:

1 x Shirt
1 x Trousers / Pants    or    Shorts    or  Summer Dress
1 x Pair of Shoes (Lace Up only)

Please note the following:

– PE items are not included as part of this package

Shoes must be requested in UK sizes (A3 size chart is available from our website)



Mount Erin Secondary College offers a comprehensive instrumental and classroom music program which develops and enhances all students’ musical abilities through performances and extending their theory skills.

The College offers individual and small group lessons on: Brass, Woodwind, String, Guitar, Percussion, keyboard and Voice. We encourage involvement in a range of ensembles such as: The College Choir “Take Note”, Rock bands, and instrumental ensembles.

There is other fantastic performance opportunities including the College Production, school concerts, Battle of the Bands competition, choir competitions, and numerous community events. We teach students skills in songwriting and provide them with the latest software and music technology.

This extensive instrumental/classroom music program prepares all students for VCE Music Performance Group/Solo and Music Investigation where the students have achieved outstanding results.


College bus program

The school is well serviced by public transport and the School Bus Program operates buses through the surrounding areas. The School Bus Program assists parents by transporting students to school. Categories of eligibility determine whether a student travels at no cost or travels upon the payment of a fare. Students wishing to access a seat on a bus must complete an application form and parents/guardians must agree to the conditions of travel including, if applicable, the payment of a fare.



A uniform dress code reinforces in students a pride in their own appearance, instils recognition of themselves as an integral part of the school community, and assists in developing pride in representing their school. Issues of equality, health and safety, and expense are also factors that contribute to the establishment of the Dress Code. 


  • To promote equality amongst all students.
  • To further develop a sense of pride in, and identification with our school.
  • To provide durable clothing that is cost effective and practical for our school environment.
  • To maintain and enhance the positive image of the school in the community.

1:1 Computer Program


Mount Erin College is committed to providing students with rich and engaging learning experiences that harness the power of learning technologies. Advances in technology have provided new opportunities to connect, to show understanding, to think creatively, to problem solve and to work collaboratively. We believe that students accessing technology through a 1:1 program positively engage them in these learning opportunities and support improved learning outcomes.

Our machines have been rigorously school tested and have been approved by our college board. Modifications have been made to increase the flexibility of computer function and costs for our families. More information can be found in the 1:1 laptop program booklet below or by contacting our Administration Office.

Whilst our notebook program is aimed at incoming Year 7 students, it is available to all students and will be open throughout the school year.


Edunet is our preferred partner for 2025. Mount Erin College has partnered with EduNet for the last 10 years to supply notebooks towards our 1:1 notebook program. We have found them to be a reliable and reputable company trusted by schools over Victoria.

EduNet is a local education supplier based in Mornington and is committed to providing good quality student notebooks at affordable prices. We support our hardware at every stage of the process and pride ourselves on high quality service.


Important Dates For Year 7 2025:

  • Orders that are placed by Thursday, 28th November 2024
    Are expected to be delivered in Mid/Late December for a Pre-Christmas delivery.*

  • Orders that are placed by Sunday, 5th January 2025
    Are expected to be delivered by Day 1, Term 1 2025. (Mid/Late January)

* Cut off dates are only for devices listed on the portal as in stock. If a device is out of stock Edunet can’t promise a Christmas or Day 1, Term 1 delivery. 


Mount Erin College is committed to providing a wider access to valuable resources & learning opportunities via its current network. Part of this is the development of our BYOD program – providing access to self serve apps and online resources.

We are only able to provide limited support to BYO devices, assisting students to connect to the College wireless network with their BYO device.



For more information, please check out our BYOD Portal.

Technical specifications for BYOD devices

To ensure smooth and reliable technology access and student support, we have set the following technical specifications for all personal devices. If purchasing or supplying a personal device to use at Mount Erin, please ensure that it complies with the following specifications:

  • Students are welcome to bring an alternative device with the following features:

Required device features:

  • [Minimum processor model] Intel Celeron or equivalent
  • [Minimum RAM] 8GB
  • [Minimum screen size] 11” 
  • [Minimum operating system] Windows 11 (23H2+) / MacOS 12.7.6+
  • Minimum 6 hours of advertised battery life 
  • [Minimum wireless connectivity] 802.11ac / Wi-Fi 5

Highly recommended device features:

  • [Recommended storage] 128 GB+
  • 3 Year Warranty
  • Insurance
  • Up-to-date antivirus and security software

*Windows devices must be taken out of “S-mode” prior to being setup by the college.

Behavioural Expectations – Personal devices

When bringing a personal device to schools, students must ensure that:

  • it is fully charged each morning
  • it is carried to school with appropriate care in a carry case and stored in lockable storage when not in use
  • any physical device damage is immediately reported and if necessary, repaired
  • it is clearly labelled with the student’s name and class

Supports and services provided

Mount Erin will provide the following technical support services for personal devices brought to school:

Please note that our school does not have insurance to cover accidental damage to students’ devices, and parents/carers are encouraged to consider obtaining their own insurance for their child’s device.

Students, parents and carers who would like more information or assistance regarding our BYOD program are encouraged to contact Michael Catanach (ICT Leader) –

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