27th May 2021
The Victorian Government announced earlier today that the State will be returning to a stage 3 lockdown from 11.59pm tonight in response to the recent COVID-19 outbreak. At this stage, the lockdown restrictions will be in place until 11.59pm Thursday 3rd June, 2021.
Tomorrow will be a state-wide Student- Free Day and all classes will be cancelled. Only students who are classified as vulnerable or are children of authorised workers will be permitted on-site during this lockdown. We, as we have done in the past, will conduct Remote Learning from Monday 31st May for all students of all classes from Year 7-12, after tomorrow’s Student-Free Day.
We are currently only acting on the information we have at hand and are yet to receive official communication from the Department of Education. I will endeavour to keep the MEC community updated with relevant information as we receive it.
Any families who qualify and require onsite supervision from tomorrow please complete the required onsite supervision application form and email it to jarrod.main@mounterin.vic.edu.au . We cannot supervise students onsite without this form being submitted and approved.
To ensure our students are prepared, we completed the following actions today:
- Students were briefed on the information provided to us regarding the lockdown and transition to Remote Learning.
- Teachers conducted a tutorial session today with classes become familiar with Google Classrooms and Google Meets (which will be used through this Remote Learning period).
- Students were assisted to remove all required belongings from their locker in order to have required materials available at home.
- The College website has been updated to provide relevant information relating to Remote Learning at MEC.
As directed by the Government, our staff will be working remotely where ever possible. As a result, there will be very few staff on-site. All Administration Staff will be working remotely, which means that the college phone will be diverted off-site making transfer of calls impossible. Please where possible, email staff members directly or email mount.erin.sc@education.vic.gov.au
The MEC IT Team has set up an email address to receive and respond to technical difficulties. If students or staff require IT support during Remote Learning, they can email it.technician@mounterin.vic.edu.au during regular school hours. If an issue cannot be resolved via email they will ask for your phone number and call you directly.
I understand that this transition can be difficult for many students and families and I appeal to our wonderful community to be accepting and supportive of each other. If students are feeling anxious in regards to their learning or in general they can contact their Home Group teacher or Year Level Leaders via email for guidance and support.
As further information comes to hand I will ensure that it is brought to your attention. It is important that we keep our lines of communication open in these uncertain times so that we can all work together to get through this lockdown.
I thank you for your continued support and patience as we navigate through constant change and I hope to see everybody back on-site soon.
Jenni Hodgins