Mount Erin College would like to congratulate you on your selection into the Sports Academy.

Your experiences in the program will enhance both your physical abilities and knowledge of training concepts. The skills you will develop will ensure that you are well positioned to achieve your personal goals.

The Mount Erin Sports Academy expects that you will uphold the values of the College and recognise the importance of commitment and dedication to sport and academic studies.

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This document outlines the policies that apply for each athlete within the program.

Should you have any questions regarding the Sports Academy, please refer to this document and the Sports Academy Website https://mounterin.vic.edu.au/sports-academy/

Mount Erin College : (03) 5971 6000
General Enquires

Email: mount.erin.sc@edumail.vic.gov.au

Kyeran Clutton – Director & 8B Sports Academy Teacher
Email: clutton.kyeran.k@edumail.vic.gov.au

Lachlan Cove – Assistant Director, 7B Sports Academy Teacher
Email: cove.lachlan.l@edumail.vic.gov.au

Peter Zwiersen – 9B Sports Academy Teacher
Email: zwiersen.peter.b@edumail.vic.gov.au



Acceptance into the Mount Erin College Sports Academy will be determined by the aspiring athlete’s ability to meet the guidelines outlined in the selection criteria and selection process.

1. Selection Process

Each aspiring athlete may contact the College to obtain an application form. You may also apply online on the college website. https://mounterin.vic.edu.au/sports-academy/

Once the application form is complete, the aspiring athlete must return it, attaching a copy of their most recent school report, and two (2) references (1 from their school, 1 from their coach).

If the aspiring athlete’s application form is successful in passing the first stage, the applicant and their parents will be required to attend an interview with the Director. The interview process will outline the final stages of the application process and may involve the aspiring athlete demonstrating their talents prior to being selected into the program.

The outcome of the aspiring athlete’s application will be revealed in a detailed letter addressed to the applicant. The initial letter received will either be a confirmation of acceptance or one indicating that the application will be considered in the second-round intake. Final notification will be sent in due course that outlines whether the applicant was successful or whether they will be placed on the waiting list.

All applicants on the waiting list will be analysed throughout the school year. Should a position within the program become available, the best candidate will be given an opportunity.

2. Selection Criteria

The following criteria are considered essential to be selected for the Mount Erin Sports Academy:

Sporting Ability

  • Applicants must be performing at a representative level in their chosen sport and/or demonstrate the potential to play at an elite level,
  • Have a desire to enhance personal and team performance at a representative level,
  • Exhibit commitment to development.

Academic Achievement

  • Consistently achieving satisfactory results in all subject areas.
  • Yr 7-10 applicants must be performing at relevant VELS standard or above across all subject areas (consolidating).

Interpersonal Development

  • Attitude to learning must be positive across all subjects.
  • Will be expected to consistently demonstrate the College values of ASPIRE.

Social Awareness
Personal Best

Commitment to the program

Once accepted students have a commitment to the program for its entirety. To maintain the integrity of the sports academy students must commit to every year. Only in exceptional circumstances will removal or exit be granted.


As part of the program, the athlete receives access to the following:

  • 1 X 1 hour session per week during school in the Strength and Conditioning Centre.
  • 2 X 1 hour small group training sessions per week (7.30am – 8.15am).
  • 1 x 1 hour theoretical class addressing key concepts required for athlete development
  • 1 x 1 hour coaching session. Specific sports skills coaching and teamwork skills lessons common to all sports (Leadership, communication, problem solving)
  • Access to other training opportunities (For example beach training and swimming).
  • Use of the Strength and Conditioning Centre.
  • Transport to and from other training facilities.
  • Fitness testing and recording
  • Access to specialised equipment purchased especially for the Sporting Academy.
  • Excursions to different venues as part of our Activity Challenge Days.

Sport specific excursions for friendlies against other schools
Should unforeseen circumstances cause the athlete to cease full involvement in the program at any stage, the above cost will be reimbursed on a pro rata basis.


  1. Athletes are required to wear the Sports Academy uniform to all training sessions. This includes the shorts, training top and tracksuit combined with appropriate footwear.
  2. Athletes should wear their Sports Academy uniform instead of the Physical Education uniform during PE classes.
  3. Athletes will be permitted to wear the Sports Academy uniform during regular school days (instead of college uniform). This allowance is for a maximum of two (2) days per week as detailed by the Director. The uniform must be clean and presentable and athletes must understand that it is a privilege NOT a right to wear it during regular classes. They must wear appropriate footwear as per the College Uniform Policy.


Code of Conduct

All staff and students representing Mount Erin College’s Sport Academy are bound to conduct themselves in a professional manner in line with the College’s policies and Code of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct is designed to outline the standards in which all aspects of the program should be followed. Each member of the Mount Erin Sports Academy will be required to adhere to the policy or risk being removed from the program. The Director will outline the athlete’s consequences depending on the breach.

All “Getting it Sorted” sheets issued against the athletes must be shown to their AEP teacher. Severe instances of breach of policy will be followed by a meeting with the athlete and parents where the athlete will most likely be removed from the program.

The procedures outlined for a breach of Code of Conduct are distributed into one of three (3) categories:

a) Minor Breach

Informal warning issued combined with the athlete being counselled over their actions.

A minor breach could be any action that is not in line with the schools behaviour policy. It may be an action that is out of character or one that is able to be remedied through counselling. It may include a “Getting it Sorted” sheet.

b) Serious Breach

A serious breach occurs where an athlete:

  1. Has displayed the same lack of discipline as outlined during the counselling session for the previous minor breach.
  2. Has acted in a way that the coach, teacher or Director deems serious enough to issue a formal written warning.

Four (4) “Getting it Sorted” sheets will result in the athlete receiving a written warning. Any further breaches will require a meeting to discuss the future of the athlete within the program.

c) Major Breach

A major breach occurs where the athlete has in the opinion of the coach, teacher or Director;

  1. Committed a second serious breach; or
  2. Committed a breach of the Code of Conduct deemed serious enough to warrant removal from the program.

Any serious misdemeanour as outlined in the Mount Erin College Behaviour Policy such as assault, drug offenses, or anti-social behaviour would classify as a major breach.

Parents will be contacted by a member of the Sports Academy team should there be any breach of the Acceptable Behaviour Policy.

Removal Policy

Removal from the Sports Academy program will occur if the aspiring athlete fails to take advantage of the educational opportunities offered. Outlined in the Behaviour Policy (Page 5) is the Code of Conduct expected from our athletes. The Behaviour Policy details the type of actions considered to be minor, serious or major breaches of the Code of Conduct.

Removal Process

Removal from the program will be considered if the athlete commits several serious breaches or a major breach. In the event of an athlete breaching the Code of Conduct relating to a serious or major indiscretion, parents will be notified by the sub school leader and the following steps will be conducted:

Step 1 – Teachers inform year level leaders and sub school leader. Parents will be notified by the sub school leader and required to meet with the College Progress Committee.

Step 2 – In the convened meeting, parents will be taken through the indiscretions undertaken by their child and the possible solutions or conclusions.

Step 3 – If the indiscretions are deemed serious enough to warrant removal from the program the athlete will be placed in an appropriate regular class.  The student will no longer be considered in the Sports Academy. They will not be permitted to attend AEP classes, training sessions or strength and conditioning sessions. They will not be permitted to wear the Sports Academy uniform and as a result of the expulsion from the program, all monetary contributions to the program will be forfeited.

Exit Request Policy

Parents and students are reminded that they have made a commitment to the program and are required to stay for its entirety. Exiting from the Sports Academy program may occur if the aspiring athlete requests to move to a main stream class and a replacement student moves into the class. You must give a minimum of one terms notice before the start of a new semester, work through any issues with your AEP teacher and Year level leader. You must then attend a progress committee meeting arranged by the sub school leader.

Moving classes can be a complex process with many variables to be taken into consideration. Students will not be able to choose the class they are placed in. Although efforts will be made there is no guarantee they will be with friends/peers.

Exit Request Process

Step 1 – Parents to contact the sports academy one term before the start of a new semester for an exit request form for the program.

Step 2 – Parents and student to complete an exit request form and return this back to the sports academy.

Step 3 – Home group teacher, Academy teacher and year level leader to work through any issues with the student and provide alternatives.

Step 4 – Sports academy inform Sub school leader and year level leaders of request and actions taken

Step 5 – Sub school leader to arrange progress committee meeting and/or parent phone call to discuss the request, repercussions and making clear this decision cannot be reversed

Step 6 – Assistant principal and/or sub school leader to contact parent with decision.

Step 7 – Removal is dependent on a replacement being found, the student is then placed in alternative class during early commencement (end of term 2/end of term 4).


Code of Conduct

Mount Erin Staff are trained to provide athletes with a safe working environment and are instruct every athlete how to perform each exercise in a safe manner. However, it is important to note that all staff and students working within the Strength and Conditioning Centre do so at their own risk.

The Code of Conduct is designed to maintain safety and preserve the equipment. This will enable all students and staff to get the most out of their training when exercising within the Strength and Conditioning Centre.

All students are required to exercise safely within the training facility. All users are to follow the rules listed within the Strength and Conditioning Centre as listed below. These rules are designed to maintain safety and minimise damage to the equipment and must be followed:

  • No student or athlete is to use the facility unsupervised (i.e. without a teacher or coach present).
  • Students must follow a specific training session plan
  • Student not attempt dangerous exercises or anything they have not been specifically coached
  • There is to be no misbehaviour or messing around within the facility.
  • Wear proper attire.
  • Take care of the equipment and use it for its intended use.
  • Load and unload free weights carefully, and return them when you are finished.
  • Use spotters and correct lifting techniques.
  • Report all accidents, injuries and equipment failure to your teacher immediately.

Failure to adhere to the rules, misusing equipment or leaving the Strength and Conditioning Centre in an untidy state will lead to:

  1. The student identified by their teacher as breaking the rules will be asked to explain their actions to the Director and their AEP teacher.

If the response is not adequate, a period of non-use will be issued. During this time it is anticipated that the persons involved will address their actions and remedy before being permitted to resume using the facility by the Director.

*By signing this policy document parents/guardians consent to the teachers-in-charge of the activity, where it is impracticable to communicate or to authorise the student receiving such medical or surgical treatment as may be deemed necessary, parents/guardians will pay the costs of such treatment.  Should the services of an ambulance be required parents/guardians will accept all costs involved. 

Coaching Sessions

  • Currently students receive 1 x 1 hour coaching session per week from teachers and/or external coaches. The focus for most these sessions will be specific sports and/or sport skills coaching for the students chosen sport.
  • In addition, students will also receive coaching sessions on ‘teamwork skills’ common to all sports and fitness coaching. Student led tournaments will aim to enhance their leadership, communication and problem solving skills essential for high performing athletes.

Morning Training

As part of our Athlete Enhancement Program we offer morning training sessions to allow students the opportunity to train and to further develop their skills and fitness with staff from the Sports Academy Team. The aim for these morning training sessions is to offer students another opportunity to train if it is required and to assist them on their individual training program. These sessions are not compulsory; however, we do recommend students attend if they can.

Currently these sessions run on Tuesday & Wednesday mornings from 7.30am to 8.15am. These are subject to change and student will be informed

Our morning training sessions also include aerobic training which alternates between two running tracks outside the school property. The “Maccas Run” which is an approximate distance of 3.2 kilometres, or the “Peninsula Link Run”, which is an approximate distance of between 5.0 & 7.0 kilometres. The run is always completed with a staff member from the Sports Academy Team.

Every Tuesday and Wednesday the school also provides ‘Breakfast Club’, which allows students to get a free breakfast, if they so choose to.

Local Excursions

Various local excursions are included in the AEP program. These have included activities the Oliver’s hill run, Frankston beach and foreshore, Baxter park, Robinsons reserve, Ballam Park, Mount Eliza Quarry and Park, Beauty Park. All excursions are supervised by teachers are considered in the community close to school. By agreeing to the AEP program parent/gaurdians consent to their child attending local excursions with details of the excursion information emailed to them prior to the event.

*By signing this policy document parents/guardians consent to the teachers-in-charge of the activity, where it is impracticable to communicate or to authorise the student receiving such medical or surgical treatment as may be deemed necessary, parents/guardians will pay the costs of such treatment.  Should the services of an ambulance be required parents/guardians will accept all costs involved. 

Athlete Expectations

Mount Erin College expects our athletes to lead by example in their educational and sporting pursuits. Playing a prominent role defines the school’s culture and leads to better outcomes for all athletes. Listed below are three sections which will define the athlete’s involvement within the program.

i. Performance Review

    • Each athlete will be required to complete a performance review throughout the year. The document outlines the athlete’s progress with regards to work output, behaviour and attendance/punctuality.
    • Upon completion of the document, the athlete and parent will sign and return to their form teacher. An interview may be scheduled between the form teacher and the athlete to review the document and set future goals.
    • A second review document may be issued if the performance is an issue for any subject. Failure to improve within an agreed time frame may indicate that the athlete is unwilling to improve their educational outcomes and could lead to removal from the program.

ii. Interschool Sport

    • Athletes must sign up, train and if selected represent the College in at least one (1) interschool sport per term. It is mandatory that the athlete competes in the sport they undertake within the Sports Academy.
    • Athletes are required to compete in all three carnivals – swimming, athletics and cross country barring injury or illness. Those who are unable to compete will assist organising and running the events. Competitors will enter a minimum of three (3) events during the swimming and athletics carnivals.

iii. AEP/Coaching Sessions

    • Active participation in all Physical Education/AEP classes is essential as sporting leaders within the College. Mandatory participation and appropriate behaviour in specialist coaching sessions is required. Barring injury or illness those who are unable to compete will assist organising and running the events. Students will be sent to main stream classes if unable to participate in anyway.

iv. Standards

    • Athletes are expected to constantly improve their fitness levels. This is expected during AEP coaching, morning training and in their own time.
    • Twice annually athletes will be tested at a variety of strength and endurance exercises. Athletes are to maintain the minimum standards (as listed in the booklets given to each athlete) for all exercises.
    • If an athlete fails to meet any of the minimum standards there is an expectation that they will work to rectify the weakness.

Statement of Understanding

By signing this return slip you acknowledge that all information contained within this document has been read and understood.

Athlete enrolment is constantly under review to ensure that their goals for future success can be achieved. Athletes will remain enrolled in the Sports Academy Program after each year provided all requirements are met.

Should there be any questions with regards to this document, please contact your child’s AEP home group teacher and/or the director prior to signing this return page.

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